Well, I guess I finally started a blog

Here goes. I have long talked about starting a blog. Somewhere else to share thoughts, perhaps with a little more autonomy and freedom. Some place with more opportunity to really delve into feelings, thoughts, emotions.

Some posts will have a purpose, something to share with you, reader. Other times it will be a place for me to air my grievances in a media where I might not find judgment……

So, Day 1.

I have found myself in a similar place as other cold winters in WNC. Alone. A relationship, what I thought was “the” relationship, fell apart; literally before my eyes. And one day, a month ago now, I returned from yoga to find my home once again mine, devoid of another person who shared my space, shared my life. Six months, gone. Without a good-bye. Just gone. I have struggled with sadness, anger, betrayal, confusion. Struggled to share my thoughts with anyone who may understand, even a little bit. Struggled with the fact the person I thought I knew was very much not the person I thought him to be, nor who he portrayed himself to be.

Ah, but I have endured, and will continue to do so. Coming back from a running injury, I find myself in an interesting place now in my life. A turning point. And boy, am I EXCITED.  I have lots of new adventures planned. Cross-country trips, races in amazing places with great friends, and a very big move on the horizon. A chance to make new friends, and perhaps to find that elusive thing. Love. It will be a long, challenging journey. So, here we go.